Have you ever tried to apply for any loan like applying for personal loan, house loan or car loan through bank but your application was rejected due to your high Debt Service Ratio (DSR). other than that, one of the reason you loan is rejected is due to not fitting the loan eligibility criterias stated.
This is because, every monetary institution, especially in Malaysia have their own respective DSR limit that they set for loan application. Not only that, the bank will also do a background check on your financial report. For example, CCRIS or CTOS report. Maybe you are familiar with these terms, but most people are still not aware of what is DSR.
The big question is, what is DSR? and how does it work? In this article, we will break it down in details everything that you need to know on what is DSR and how to calculate DSR (with detailed calculation reference) to make it easier for you to apply and get accepted in any loan that you apply for like house, car, bank and koperasi and many more, in the near future.